Westside Industrial welcomes the opening of Reconciliation Drive through to Wetherill Park
18 January 2014 | 2 min read

Westside Industrial Real Estate welcomes the opening of Reconciliation Drive through to Smithfield and Wetherill Park industrial suburbs.
"After many years of planning, construction and development this vital link road into such a strategic and vital industrial precinct is fantastic news for the area." Richard Khoury, General Manager of Westside Industrial indicated.
Furthermore Mr Khoury felt that "this road will remove many heavy vehicles away from Greystanes Road and provide Wetherill Park direct access onto the M4 motorway via Reconciliation Drive and Prospect Highway. Wetherill Park north should experience further demand for industrial space as considerable travel time is reduced."
Westside Industrial welcomes your enquiries and hopes to assist with your next industrial or commercial move. One of our staff can be contacted on freecall 1800 652 155.